International Industrial Conference

November 4-6, 2025

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264 days 15 hours 24 minutes 38 seconds

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Date 5-6.11.2024Hall BConference Room 1

The conference focuses on the contemporary trend in industrial activity known as the datafication of industry. The data that is massively generated in production facilities and their surroundings serves as the “raw material” for innovative, intelligent technologies that enable the creation of new value and business advantages. Examples include predictive solutions in both maintenance and quality assurance, intelligent intra-logistics systems, disruption-resistant supply chain and production management systems, and distributed manufacturing systems that allow for the personalization of products according to the current needs of the customer.

The conference, held as an accompanying event to the Warsaw Industry Week Trade Fair, aims to familiarize participants with the principles of industry datafication to achieve tangible benefits in their operations.

The two-day conference program includes presentations by representatives from industry, research and development units, universities, institutions, as well as dedicated solution providers.

Methods of implementing industry datafication, examples of best practices, as well as related current regulations and available support measures for entrepreneurs will be presented.

The conference, with the motto “Let Data Work,” aims to help build a new generation of national industry that effectively utilizes the potential of data.


Opening of the conference

Tomasz Szypuła - President of the Management Board of PTAK WARSAW EXPO
Hubert Cichocki - President of the Research Network "Łukasiewicz’’


Introduction to the conference theme

Andrzej Soldaty - Director of the Centre for Industry 4.0 at the Silesian University of Technology

11:25- 11:50

Data sources and multi-level use of data in production activities

Artur Pollak - President of APA Group

11:50 -12:15

From Entertainment to Production Halls. The use of Metaverse and Edge Computing concepts in modern industry.

Artur Nowocień - Head of Sales Development at Siemens DI FA


Data as a source of information in the industry of the future - the path from Industry 4.0 to the Industry X model

Andrzej Gaik - Head of Development and Digital Transformation - Industry X, AIUT Ltd.
Maciej Guzek - Asset Management Solutions Manager, AIUT Sp. z o.o

12:40 -13:05

Industrial production media under control - efficient data acquisition and presentation

Bartosz Balcerzak - Deputy Head of Software Department, SCHULZ INFOPROD Sp. z o.o.
Mariusz Stachera - Business Development Manager, SCHULZ INFOPROD Sp. z o.o.



13:25- 13:50

New regulations, affecting entrepreneurs, related to the subject of data in production activities - Data Act, AI Act, NIS2 Directive

Monika Stachoń- expert , Scientific and Academic Computer Network NASK-PIB

13:50- 14:15

Digital product passport vs automatic product traceability. What awaits manufacturers from 2026 onwards?

Adrian Stelmach –CEO/President , Explitia S.A. 

14:15 – 14:40

A holistic view of cyber security in the OT area in the context of meeting the requirements of the National Cyber Security System Act

Paweł Przygodzki - Development Director, Transition Technologies-Control Solutions

14:40 – 15:05

How to share data effectively while maintaining control over it - the Gaia X concept as a new solution for data management: security, interoperability, control.

Przemysław Hałub - Program Manager European Association for Data and Cloud

15:05- 15:20

Summary and conclusion of the conference

Data to fuel 21st century industrial activityMotto: Let data work

Day two under the auspices of FAIRPData, data everywhere data?

Whether companies prioritize automation or need robots, they “won’t get far” without data. In a word, data is a catalyst for innovation. Is this really the case? The second day of the conference [November 6, 2024] as part of Warsaw Industry Week, will show this through practical examples. Data, data, data everywhere. Just what are the implications of this?

For domestic industry, it’s an opportunity to grow. For catching up. For digital transformation. Here and now. It’s a necessity.

Representatives of Poland’s leading automation and robotics companies, integrators, manufacturers and solution providers, affiliated with the Association of Employers Forum for Automation and Robotics of Poland will present specific Case Studies that really happened. Diversity of industries, diversity of solutions.

All this, just after the presentation of the results of Word Robotics 2024, which is also the premiere of the International Federation of Robotics Report, which shows the data in macro terms.

The rapid growth of robotization is not just a matter of the number of robots per 10,000 workers and the need to install robots to increase competitiveness. It’s also a volatile market and a challenging geopolitical environment. Which industries are currently investing most heavily in robotics? Will AI help robots be more competitive and more efficient?

Participants at the event will not only hear “how others do it.” Most importantly, they will learn how they can integrate their manufacturing systems with modern digital solutions that support automation, increase productivity and flexibility, and improve adaptability in a changing market. Specifically, how data can work for the industry, enabling it to seamlessly connect with Industry 4.0 trends and effectively adapt to the challenges of the future.

11:00 – 11:10

Dariusz Drąg, Development Director, PTAK WARSAW EXPO

Opening of the conference

Conducting the conference: Renata Poreda, spokesperson, Employers' Association - Forum for Automation and Robotics of Poland (FAIRP)

11:10 - 11:40

Tomasz Haiduk, CEO, Employers' Association - Forum for Automation and Robotics of Poland [FAIRP].

Robotization in Poland and around the world in the latest report of the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). Trends and challenges

11:40 – 12:00

Olga Babiarz, Process Planning Engineer, PROPOINT S.A.

Maximum efficiency, minimum cost - how does simulation support design? Case Study

At the new plant of a leading barbecue manufacturer, PROPOINT engineers built a process line combining robotic and manual stations. Planning and simulation of the line made it possible to create a layout with optimal cycle times and energy consumption. The realization also took into account specific performance and safety requirements and the possibility of further automation.

12:00 – 12:20

Marek Drewniak, Ph.D., Head of the Research and Development Section in the Automation Department, AIUT

Precision of the research problem in the context of process data mining

Companies are increasingly interested in analyzing production data to draw various conclusions and improve production. Although awareness of the possibilities of using such data continues to grow, it is extremely important to understand that without a properly formulated problem to be solved, data collection and data mining algorithms will not be effective or even impossible to carry out effectively. Using examples, selected cases of industrial applications for which analytical problems have been defined and methods for solving them will be presented.

12:20 – 12:40

Tomasz Cwołek, Director of the Industrial IT Systems Department, ASKOM

Automation is not enough, or comprehensive paint production management at AkzoNobel

Using AkzoNobel's experience as an example, the benefits of the plant implementing an MES system fully integrated with the production process (PCS) as well as the business (ASP and SAP ERP) will be shown. The integrated SIEMENS system used in this case (Opcenter MES + Simatic PCS7) allowed to achieve a fully automatic flow of production orders from SAP, through the APS planning module to the MES execution module. As a result, optimal process control was achieved thanks to the native integration of IT/OT Opcenter and Simatic Batch at the individual recipe and equipment level.

12:40 - 13:15

Coffee break

13:15 – 13:35

Wojciech Ćwięka, AVEVA Industrial Software Specialist, ASTOR

Heat network for the 21st century - digitalization in MPEC Nowy Sącz

Municipal heating companies ensure the comfort of residents by providing heating and hot water. It is important to maintain continuity of supply and prevent failures in accordance with sustainability. How to do this with appropriate IT systems that support the work of people and optimize the operation of the district heating network on the basis of collected data?

13:35 – 13.55

Piotr Soja, sales engineer, PROSTER

A firm NO to compromises in design specifications

How to reconcile mutually exclusive requirements in automation and robotics projects. A creative approach to finding solutions to meet the needs of manufacturing plants told through real examples from the market.

13:55 – 14:15

Adam Smiałek, CEO, Board Member, ISCAS

Digitization of the enterprise in the area of production reporting

Digitization is a word that has been conjugated by many cases in recent years. We have in our environment many successful and unsuccessful examples of digitization of areas of social, official or business life. Awareness of the fact that digitization is an indispensable part of modern business is already widespread in principle.

By analogy, is the process of digitizing processes in the area of production reporting simple and widespread? How popular is the good old fashioned paper still?

You will learn about the challenges, successes and failures in this area from the experience of a company that works in this area every day. The case-study presented here is based on examples of successful digitization at two different manufacturing plants.

14:15 – 14:35

Kamil Malochleb, computer engineer, programmer, ELPLC S.A.

Manufacturing automation is not enough.

Why do we need intelligent production lines?
What is the purpose of implementing data management systems?
What are the biggest and key challenges in implementing advanced production management systems?
How does precise monitoring and data analysis improve production quality?

Presentation of a comprehensive implementation of a solution to support effective data management in an automated production line. Stakeholders will learn how, thanks to an innovative “detail to detail” approach, a production management system allows precise process monitoring and production optimization, resulting in better quality and efficiency. A case study of the system's implementation in a major manufacturing company will show that today it is data that plays a key role in modern industry.

14:35 – 15:00

Summary and conclusion of the conference

Trade Fair Medal Ceremony

Date 5-6.11.2024Hall C

12:30 - 13:30

Trade Fair Medal Ceremony

12:30 - 13:00

Trade Fair Medal Ceremony

Trends panel and presentations of exhibitors

Date 5-7.11.2024Hall CConference Room No. 1

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11:00 - 11:30

HIKROBOT - Michael Stankowski

HIKROBOT vision systems - a new addition to MultiProjekt's portfolio.

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11:30 - 12:00

A&D Serwis Pro & Polindustry - Michał Bisikiewicz

How to effectively implement predictive maintenance and reduce the impact of unplanned maintenance failures.

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12:00 - 12:15

AVICON - Anna Woźnica

Colourimetric measuring device operating on area data.

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12:15 - 12:45

AVICON - Paweł Wittels

A sorting machine using multi-view data and machine learning algorithms. A 2D/3D machine vision-based sorting machine - challenges and solutions.

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12:45 - 13:30

STILL Polska Sp. z o.o. - Piotr Mańka

Transport kits in action: Practical solutions for intralogistics.

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13:30 - 14:00

MCUW - European Funds - Michał Golemo

EU funding for manufacturing companies in the financial perspective 2021-2027 - How to get it effectively?

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14:00 - 14.30

Sewio Networks - Szymon Rajczak

Transforming Production through RTLS with UWB Technology: Casse Studies and Strategies to Increase Efficiency.

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14:30 - 15:00

Apzumi - Piotr Świderski

From paper to digital: innovative yet simple IT tools to support production workers

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15:00 - 15:30

EJOT - Krzysztof Komar

EJOT production capabilities.

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11:00 - 11:30

FCA S.A - Arkadiusz Jakimiuk.

Inaxon - IoT in the service of business. How to effectively ensure security and increase efficiency?

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11:30 - 12:00

Comarch - Rafał Brzozowski
Antoni Gałucha

Digital transformation of production: integration of machinery and MES system

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12:00 - 12:30

Transition Technologies - Control Solutions Sp. Z o.o. - Zbigniew Strzelecki
Transition Technologies - Control Solutions Sp. Z o.o. - Wojciech Szajda

Communication during prototype projects - or how do we talk to understand each other?

We will talk about the methodology we use, the use of PDCA in engineering processes and continuous improvement.


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12:30 - 13:00

ENEBariery Sp. z o. o. - Michał Duplaga

Safety in Industry 4.0.

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13:00 - 13:45

STILL Polska Sp. z o.o. - Dominik Jasiok

Automation in Practice: How Lajkonik Revolutionised His Warehouse.

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13:45 - 14:00

PANOVA SA - Tomasz Janik

Modernly designed and constructed facilities are good business.

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14:00 - 15:00

GARUDA SOLUTIONS - Michał Koperwas

Indonesians as the ideal solution to labour shortages in industry.

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15:00 - 16:00

HRK S.A. - Katarzyna Radgowska
HRK S.A. - Izabela Kochanowska

Service engineer, service technician, service technician. Candidate expectations - survey results.

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11:00 - 11:30

Pilz Polska Sp. Z o.o. Grzegorz Golan – Businees Development Manager

I&AM or identification and access control in the context of cyber threats.

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11:30 - 12:00

Fatek Poland - Patryk Amrusz

PLC M Fatek - probably the fastest controller in the industry.

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12:00 - 12:30

GRC SP. Z O.O. - Jan Grzeszczak

NIRAFON - Innowacyjne Rozwiązania Akustyczne dla Przemysłu

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12:30 - 13:00

Automa.Net - Marcin Krzączkowski

7 million industrial products in one place - Automa.Net Marketplace.

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13:00 - 14:00

AstroEnergy - Radosław Rutkowski & Jakub Piślewski 

Practical ways to optimise company costs in the age of energy transition.

Speakers' comments

See what else we have prepared

Celebrating Excellence: Medal Awards Ceremony

This event honors the best of the best, highlighting their contributions to the industry’s development and showcasing the most advanced solutions in the following categories:

Trade Fair Premiere: Recognition for exhibitors who introduced innovative products or services at the fair, presenting them to the public for the first time.

Innovation: An award for companies that have presented groundbreaking technologies or solutions with the potential to revolutionize the industry.

Trade Fair Display: A prize awarded for exceptional booth design and aesthetics that stand out for their creativity and attract visitors’ attention.

The trade fair studio

We invite you to the Trade Fair Studio, where during exclusive interviews with industry experts and outstanding exhibitors, you will learn about the latest trends and innovative solutions. In this inspiring environment, market leaders will share their experiences and visions for the future, providing valuable insights and knowledge. The Trade Fair Studio is also connected with the Medal Award Ceremony, where distinguished exhibitors are honored, adding prestige to the event and highlighting the importance of innovation and excellence in the industry..

Inspiring conversations and new opportunities – the networking zone awaits!

The B2B Networking Zone is an extension of the conference, offering participants a unique opportunity to engage in direct discussions with speakers and other industry experts. In this zone, attendees can exchange insights, ask questions, and establish valuable business connections in a more informal atmosphere.

Join us to deepen your knowledge, continue the inspiring discussions from the conference, and form valuable relationships that can benefit both you and your company!